Happy New Year peeps! Well 2014 had me on a roller coaster of a ride so here’s hoping 2015 will be better!

Top priority would be a new and improved blog and of course lots and lots of blog posting. I’ve begun this year with a reflection on masculinity and the connection of the concept of ‘male’ to crimes against women. This is probably something I would look forward to exploring throughout the year.

I’ve become more fashion conscious, working harder and balancing more in life. Lets see where 2015 takes me. Lets hope it includes lots of holidays, travelling, learning to surf, learning French and ending up with the job of my dreams~!!!


your very own, seeker


Happy New year!!!!
While understanding and appreciating the value of a new year, new beginnings and new changes I am also going to try to give more praise and be less critical.

However from a realist point of view I have realized that maybe I repel the guys I like and attract ppl who treat me like shit. Now that I understand this I dont expect ppl to treat me well anymore and life will become easier. I just do what God wants me to, love others etc but not depend on or expect from anyone.

Anyways cheers to an awe amazing 2014!!!!!!


Well judging what type of year 2013 has been depends on whether I adopt an optimististic perspective or pessimistic perspective or realistic perspective.

On the negative side, no bf, still studying,  not much travelling,  family drama and insults, lies, hurt, backstabbing, condemnation of my choices from others
But I do admit that I tend to over think my problems and stress too much

On the plus side, blog kicking off, writing more and hopefully better, learning more, getting some awesome business ideas,

I hope 2014 will be better than 2013

I need to trust in God more, read the bible more, learn to flirt better, travel more, kick ass in my studies