One sided

So I made a recent personal discovery.
I attract one sided relationships. It’s amusing.
Most of my family or romantic relationships have been one sided. This means that I love the person, know so much about them, keep in touch, remember important dates and events in their lives, encourage them, comfort them and in return I get treated like shit.
I am ignored, uninformed, and even forgotten.
They forget everything I did for them.

But maybe it’s time I change this – no more abusive one sided relationships.

It’s funny how I felt I had been used by ppl but now I realize maybe I used them too due to unmentionable circumstances. So we used each other but I was an indirect player so how can I be to blame?


Happy New year!!!!
While understanding and appreciating the value of a new year, new beginnings and new changes I am also going to try to give more praise and be less critical.

However from a realist point of view I have realized that maybe I repel the guys I like and attract ppl who treat me like shit. Now that I understand this I dont expect ppl to treat me well anymore and life will become easier. I just do what God wants me to, love others etc but not depend on or expect from anyone.

Anyways cheers to an awe amazing 2014!!!!!!


Well judging what type of year 2013 has been depends on whether I adopt an optimististic perspective or pessimistic perspective or realistic perspective.

On the negative side, no bf, still studying,  not much travelling,  family drama and insults, lies, hurt, backstabbing, condemnation of my choices from others
But I do admit that I tend to over think my problems and stress too much

On the plus side, blog kicking off, writing more and hopefully better, learning more, getting some awesome business ideas,

I hope 2014 will be better than 2013

I need to trust in God more, read the bible more, learn to flirt better, travel more, kick ass in my studies

I hate this country
I hate my life
I hate my family

I encourage ppl, stick up for them and defend them, try to help and at the end of the day end up in the dog house
If u get close to ppl and be vulnerable they attack u
If u stay away from ppl they will try to use u or play with ur emotions and still attack u

Rejection is terrible

Emotional rape

We often hear and speak about rape. Rape impliedly refers to physical, sexual, coerced, violation of and violence against a person.

However has anyone stopped to wonder whether we have ever been victims of emotional and psychological rape ?
This would occur where through verbal attacks our emotions, character, personality and whole person, albeit not physically, has been manipulated, violated, distorted and left in a mangled mess?

The emotional rapist lures his/her victim into a comfort mode, talking and gaining her/his trust. He/She gets him/her to bare his/her soul to him/her.
There is a connection and memories built.
Then begins the rape. Sometimes serial rape.
Twisting of words, insults, blame, guilt, shame, silence. Vicious duplicitous remarks. A serpent in the disguise of a mouse.

We need to build ourselves up to protect ourselves. Turn the rapist’s words against them. Act calm and dont jump to bite the bait. Dont trust. Dont ask questions. Dont care or get involved. Stay away emotionally and physically.